Monday, September 14, 2009

The best is yet to come

We are finally into week four in school and to be honest I am still adjusting. Last week was a very busy week between school and basketball. Our challenge last week was to run 12 suicides on the football field (from the touchdown line to the 50, back to the touchdown line then the full 100 yards and back). I wish I could say that I completed this challenge, but due to problems with my knee I had to sit this one out (but don't worry I'll get to make it up!)

This week proves to be a MUCH bigger challenge for me because we are swimming :(. I am hands down the worst swimmer EVER. Last week, due to the rain, we had to go to the indoor swimming pool to do our work-out. And wow! it definitely was a work-out. I typically came in 2nd or 3rd to last because I have no technique what so ever haha. On top of that my legs are much much longer than my torso, and my feet are so big and probably weigh 50 lbs. This combination equals TERRIBLE swimmer haha.

If one player does not complete the challenge on Friday in a given amount of time, then they can be "saved" by other players on the team. I hate to say it everyone, but I'm probably going to have to be saved haha.

Basketball is going well. I am learning our new offense and defense and beginning to slowly adjust to it. I am a huge fan of running a four-out, one-in offense because forwards truly get to play everywhere. I am so excited about basketball season starting soon! It is exactly one month away! I hope everybody has a great week, and please pray that I don't drown this Friday!

Lauren Holt #33 (new number!)

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